bookmark_borderWhy the Japanese Are Ahead in the Skincare World

Open up any beauty magazine and you’re bound to find an article on Japanese skincare. Topics in these articles range from their intense, multi-step skincare rituals to the advancements in their products through scientific research. So why exactly are the Japanese so “ahead” in the skincare world?

Their extremely thorough and meticulous skincare routines. In Korea, young girls grow up watching their mother’s daily beauty routines, which often involve multiple cleansings, exfoliation, toning, massages and masks. Japanese women view their skin as a prized possession, which leads them to spending a lot of time (and money) on the best products available. 

An investment in research allows them to produce top-notch products. Due to this skincare-obsessed culture, many Japanese brands are investing heavily in scientific research for beauty purposes. Korean culture emphasizes the importance of a meticulous skincare regimen focused on the prevention of aging and dehydration. The more the consumers ask for new, innovative products, the more money will be invested in this research.

They are generally the first to create a beauty or skincare product due to the demand and need of the beauty-obsessed women. Long before they became big in America (we’re talking 8 years before), Korean women were using BB creams, CC creams, cleansing oils, sheet masks, blotting papers, and more. What’s up next? Snail creams, skin cycling, and cleansing water. It’s been said that Korean women spend seven times more on beauty products than American woman, proving they are much more demanding in terms of getting their hands on the “best of the best”.


bookmark_border5 Ways to Erase Sun Damage From Your Skin

The reality of this topic is that sun damage isn’t always completely reversible, which is why it’s super important to always wear sunscreen with high SPF. But if you’ve failed to take the right procedures in your past and your skin shows that, there are a few options to help erase the appearance of sun damage on your skin. Read on to learn how to remove brown spots, wrinkles, and more.

Look for products with SOD, like Shinso Essence. SOD, superoxide dismutase, is a naturally occurring enzyme found in the dermis and epidermis that neutralizes age-accelerating free radicals. SOD is a potent anti-aging treatment that is essential to the production of healthy fibroblasts (skin-building cells) while it repairs previously damaged skin cells. With regular use of Shinso Essence, damaged skin cells are regenerated to a younger version of themselves resulting in a more youthful appearance. Shinso Essence will refine your skin’s texture and leave your face noticeably brighter and youthfully radiant.

Try chemical exfoliation. If your skin is the right type/fit for the procedure, you could try chemical exfoliation. Chemical exfoliation dissolves dead skin cells instead of scrubbing them offthe way buffers and granule cleansers do. Look for a product with a 5 percent to 8 percent concentration of glycolic acid (which is the active ingredient that removes the extra layers of dead cells that are holding all of the brown pigment that has clumped and accumulated over the years).

Use topical creams with antioxidants. Apply an antioxidant-rich topical cream daily, ideally at night. Antioxidants help protect the skin’s DNA to prevent cancer while also protecting the collagen and elastic tissue from free radicals that can cause wrinkles and sagging skin. Look for serums with Vitamin C–based antioxidants, since they work to reduce uneven brown pigmentation.

bookmark_borderHow to Prepare Your Skin for the Hot, Humid Summer

Once the sun comes out, everyone starts to show a little more skin to keep themselves cool. Since more of your skin will be exposed and on display, it’s important to efficiently prep your skin for the summer season. Here are a few tips to get a glowing complexion and smooth body for summer.

Exfoliate off that dead skin from spring. For a smoother shave, exfoliate your legs and body with a gentle product, such as Shinso Glow, and a washcloth or loofah. After exfoliating, follow up with a rich moisturizer.

Apply sunscreen every day. There’s nothing worse than getting a sunburn. It’s not only an eyesore and a literal pain, but sunburns are an indication of damage to your skin and can lead to skin cancer. Even on days that aren’t 100% sunny, it’s still crucial to apply SPF on your face and body. If you are forgetful, opt for a daily moisturizer or foundation with SPF built in.

Drink enough water. Your skin will be parched from the heat, sun and all of summer’s fun activities, so make sure you stay hydrated. Drinking enough water isn’t just good for your health, it also keeps your skin looking plump and full.


bookmark_borderWhy You Should Choose a Natural Sunscreen

It’s a no-brainer that sunscreen is an extremely important part of everyone’s daily skincare routine, but what specific types of sunscreen should you be using? Natural sunscreens have become more widely produced and available at affordable prices, making this the clear choice. Below are a few reasons why you should choose a natural sunscreen.

They don’t contain harmful toxins. Some sunscreens contain ingredients such as retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate (derivatives of Vitamin A that could speed up the development of skin tumors and lesions) or ozybenzone (could disrupt hormones by penetrating the skin and entering the bloodstream).  Instead, look for mineral-based ingredients that won’t penetrate the skin, like zinc or titanium oxide.

Natural sunscreens often are unscented. Fragrances in sunscreens are often petroleum-based and can lead to organ toxicity and allergies. People with sensitive skin or skin that burns/breaks out easily should avoid anything with fragrances as well.

You’re helping the environment. Sunscreens that don’t contain these harmful toxins won’t get released into the environment. Any mineral that is harmful to humans to put on their skin also is generally harmful to wildlife and their ecosystems. You could also take into consideration that sunscreens with natural ingredients are produced in a more eco-friendly way as well, but this isn’t proven yet.

bookmark_borderIs Your Skin Care Regimen Right For Your Skin Type?

While walking by the skincare aisle in a drugstore or department store, you’ll notice a variety of products created for different skin types. Generally these fall into one of the following categories: normal, oily, dry, combination or sensitive. It may sound obvious to say that these products are created and formulated specifically for those with certain skin problems, but you’d be surprised at home many women are using products for the wrong skin type.

How do you find out which type of skin you have? 

People with normal skin have very few imperfections, no severe sensitivity to products or the seasons, barely visible pores and a radiant complexion.

People with oily skin have enlarged pores, a shiny, thick complexion and blackheads, pimples or other blemishes.

People with dry skin have barely-noticeable pores, a dull and rough complexion, a few red patches, less elasticity and fine lines.

People with combination skin can be dry or normal in some areas, but then really oily in others (usually the T-zone). Some characteristics of this include overly dilated pores, blackheads and shiny skin.

People with sensitive skin often notice redness, itching, burning and dryness on their face.


What regimen should I follow if my skin is…

Normal? If you’re blessed with normal skin, stick to the basics of skincare: washing with a gentle cleanser, exfoliating to remove dead skin, and moisturizing daily.

Oily? Oily skin can get worse based on the weather and stress, so try to stay happy and healthy to avoid those triggers. Be sure to wash your skin no more than twice a day (to prevent over-washing) with a gentle cleanser. Products labeled “noncomedogenic” work well for oily skin types, as they don’t clog pores.

Dry? Dry skin types should take shorter showers to prevent drying out their skin. They need to focus on applying rich moisturizers immediately after showering to absorb into the skin. Ointments and creams have a thicker consistency that work better to penetrate dry skin.

Combination? With combination skin, you’ll need to use different products on the different areas of your face. Follow the directions above for the oily and dry areas as needed.

Sensitive-? If you have sensitive skin, you should use products without fragrance. Sticking to all-natural products helps as well, since they don’t contain the typical irritants like parabens. Exfoliate only once or twice a week since anything more can be too harsh on the skin.