The Sun Newspaper

The Sun Newspaper

It means Shinso Essence is twice as costly as A-lister’s favourite Creme de la Mer and over 100 times more expensive than a standard high street moisturiser. It works out at over £70 a spoonful and a bottle will last just a month. But the Japanese-made cream – mainly on sale through cosmetic surgeons in the States – is already a hit with stars including Madonna, Drew Barrymore and Jennifer Aniston. The lotion is made from a blend of 70 rare Japanese herbs. It also boasts “super” ingredients fullerene – 125 times more effective at battling skin-damaging free radicals than vitamin C – and human oligopeptide-1 – to boost cell regeneration. Both are Nobel Prize-winning discoveries. Other ingredients include grapefruit peel, olive leaf extract and a wrinkle-busting called Argireline which mimics Botox. The makers claim it improves skin tone and texture in ten minutes. A Shinso Essence spokesman said: “It helps to smooth and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles giving you a similar Botox-like effect naturally. It will instantly rejuvenate and tighten your skin.” US beauty blog Pocket Change dubbed it “The Miracle Facelift”. It said: “Diamonds are no longer the ultimate accessory. This is a miracle product.”

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